
Inline style

let style1 = ReactDOM.Style.make(
    ~padding="0.5rem 1rem",

let roundedStyle = ReactDOM.Style.make(~borderRadius="50px 50px", ())

let combined = ReactDOM.Style.combine(style1, roundedStyle)

let unsafeStyle =
ReactDOM.Style.make(~color="red", ~padding="10px", ())

Global CSS

// in a CommonJS setup

// or with ES6
%%raw("import './styles/main.css'")

CSS Modules

// {..} means we are handling a JS object with an unknown
// set of attributes
@module external styles: {..} = "./styles.module.css"

// Use the obj["key"] syntax to access any classname within our object
let app = <div className={styles["root"]} />