ReScriptReact (V3)

This learning notes is based on ReScriptReact V3.


type element

@val external null: element = "null"

external float: float => element = "%identity"
external int: int => element = "%identity"
external string: string => element = "%identity"

external array: array<element> => element = "%identity"

type componentLike<'props, 'return> = 'props => 'return

type component<'props> = componentLike<'props, element>

/* this function exists to prepare for making `component` abstract */
external component: componentLike<'props, element> => component<'props> = "%identity"

external createElement: (component<'props>, 'props) => element = "createElement"

external cloneElement: (element, 'props) => element = "cloneElement"

@variadic @module("react")
external createElementVariadic: (component<'props>, 'props, array<element>) => element =

@module("react") @deprecated("Please use JSX syntax directly.")
external jsxKeyed: (component<'props>, 'props, string) => element = "jsx"

@module("react") @deprecated("Please use JSX syntax directly.")
external jsx: (component<'props>, 'props) => element = "jsx"

@module("react") @deprecated("Please use JSX syntax directly.")
external jsxs: (component<'props>, 'props) => element = "jsxs"

@module("react") @deprecated("Please use JSX syntax directly.")
external jsxsKeyed: (component<'props>, 'props, string) => element = "jsxs"

type ref<'value> = {mutable current: 'value}

module Ref = {
  @deprecated("Please use the type React.ref instead")
  type t<'value> = ref<'value>

  @deprecated("Please directly read from ref.current instead") @get
  external current: ref<'value> => 'value = "current"

  @deprecated("Please directly assign to ref.current instead") @set
  external setCurrent: (ref<'value>, 'value) => unit = "current"

external createRef: unit => ref<Js.nullable<'a>> = "createRef"

module Children = {
  @module("react") @scope("Children")
  external map: (element, element => element) => element = "map"
  @module("react") @scope("Children")
  external mapWithIndex: (element, @uncurry (element, int) => element) => element = "map"
  @module("react") @scope("Children")
  external forEach: (element, element => unit) => unit = "forEach"
  @module("react") @scope("Children")
  external forEachWithIndex: (element, @uncurry (element, int) => unit) => unit = "forEach"
  @module("react") @scope("Children")
  external count: element => int = "count"
  @module("react") @scope("Children")
  external only: element => element = "only"
  @module("react") @scope("Children")
  external toArray: element => array<element> = "toArray"

module Context = {
  type t<'props>

  external makeProps: (
    ~value: 'props,
    ~children: element,
  ) => {"value": 'props, "children": element} = ""

  external provider: t<'props> => component<{"value": 'props, "children": element}> = "Provider"

external createContext: 'a => Context.t<'a> = "createContext"

external forwardRef: (@uncurry ('props, Js.Nullable.t<ref<'a>>) => element) => component<
> = "forwardRef"

external memo: component<'props> => component<'props> = "memo"

external memoCustomCompareProps: (
  @uncurry ('props, 'props) => bool,
) => component<'props> = "memo"

module Fragment = {
  external makeProps: (~children: element, ~key: 'key=?, unit) => {"children": element} = ""
  external make: component<{
    "children": element,
  }> = "Fragment"

module StrictMode = {
  external makeProps: (~children: element, ~key: 'key=?, unit) => {"children": element} = ""
  external make: component<{
    "children": element,
  }> = "StrictMode"

module Suspense = {
  external makeProps: (
    ~children: element=?,
    ~fallback: element=?,
    ~key: 'key=?,
  ) => {"children": option<element>, "fallback": option<element>} = ""
  external make: component<{
    "children": option<element>,
    "fallback": option<element>,
  }> = "Suspense"

module Experimental = {
  module SuspenseList = {
    type revealOrder
    type tail
    external makeProps: (
      ~children: element=?,
      ~revealOrder: [#forwards | #backwards | #together]=?,
      ~tail: [#collapsed | #hidden]=?,
    ) => {"children": option<element>, "revealOrder": option<revealOrder>, "tail": option<tail>} =

    external make: component<{
      "children": option<element>,
      "revealOrder": option<revealOrder>,
      "tail": option<tail>,
    }> = "SuspenseList"

/* HOOKS */

 * Yeah, we know this api isn't great. tl;dr: useReducer instead.
 * It's because useState can take functions or non-function values and treats
 * them differently. Lazy initializer + callback which returns state is the
 * only way to safely have any type of state and be able to update it correctly.
external useState: (@uncurry (unit => 'state)) => ('state, ('state => 'state) => unit) =

external useReducer: (
  @uncurry ('state, 'action) => 'state,
) => ('state, 'action => unit) = "useReducer"

external useReducerWithMapState: (
  @uncurry ('state, 'action) => 'state,
  @uncurry ('initialState => 'state),
) => ('state, 'action => unit) = "useReducer"

external useEffect: (@uncurry (unit => option<unit => unit>)) => unit = "useEffect"
external useEffect0: (@uncurry (unit => option<unit => unit>), @as(json`[]`) _) => unit =
external useEffect1: (@uncurry (unit => option<unit => unit>), array<'a>) => unit = "useEffect"
external useEffect2: (@uncurry (unit => option<unit => unit>), ('a, 'b)) => unit = "useEffect"
external useEffect3: (@uncurry (unit => option<unit => unit>), ('a, 'b, 'c)) => unit =
external useEffect4: (@uncurry (unit => option<unit => unit>), ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd)) => unit =
external useEffect5: (@uncurry (unit => option<unit => unit>), ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e)) => unit =
external useEffect6: (
  @uncurry (unit => option<unit => unit>),
  ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f),
) => unit = "useEffect"
external useEffect7: (
  @uncurry (unit => option<unit => unit>),
  ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f, 'g),
) => unit = "useEffect"

external useLayoutEffect: (@uncurry (unit => option<unit => unit>)) => unit = "useLayoutEffect"
external useLayoutEffect0: (
  @uncurry (unit => option<unit => unit>),
  @as(json`[]`) _,
) => unit = "useLayoutEffect"
external useLayoutEffect1: (@uncurry (unit => option<unit => unit>), array<'a>) => unit =
external useLayoutEffect2: (@uncurry (unit => option<unit => unit>), ('a, 'b)) => unit =
external useLayoutEffect3: (@uncurry (unit => option<unit => unit>), ('a, 'b, 'c)) => unit =
external useLayoutEffect4: (@uncurry (unit => option<unit => unit>), ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd)) => unit =
external useLayoutEffect5: (
  @uncurry (unit => option<unit => unit>),
  ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e),
) => unit = "useLayoutEffect"
external useLayoutEffect6: (
  @uncurry (unit => option<unit => unit>),
  ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f),
) => unit = "useLayoutEffect"
external useLayoutEffect7: (
  @uncurry (unit => option<unit => unit>),
  ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f, 'g),
) => unit = "useLayoutEffect"

external useMemo: (@uncurry (unit => 'any)) => 'any = "useMemo"

external useMemo0: (@uncurry (unit => 'any), @as(json`[]`) _) => 'any = "useMemo"

external useMemo1: (@uncurry (unit => 'any), array<'a>) => 'any = "useMemo"

external useMemo2: (@uncurry (unit => 'any), ('a, 'b)) => 'any = "useMemo"

external useMemo3: (@uncurry (unit => 'any), ('a, 'b, 'c)) => 'any = "useMemo"

external useMemo4: (@uncurry (unit => 'any), ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd)) => 'any = "useMemo"

external useMemo5: (@uncurry (unit => 'any), ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e)) => 'any = "useMemo"

external useMemo6: (@uncurry (unit => 'any), ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f)) => 'any = "useMemo"

external useMemo7: (@uncurry (unit => 'any), ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f, 'g)) => 'any = "useMemo"

/* This is used as return values */
type callback<'input, 'output> = 'input => 'output

external useCallback: (@uncurry ('input => 'output)) => callback<'input, 'output> = "useCallback"

external useCallback0: (
  @uncurry ('input => 'output),
  @as(json`[]`) _,
) => callback<'input, 'output> = "useCallback"

external useCallback1: (@uncurry ('input => 'output), array<'a>) => callback<'input, 'output> =

external useCallback2: (@uncurry ('input => 'output), ('a, 'b)) => callback<'input, 'output> =

external useCallback3: (
  @uncurry ('input => 'output),
  ('a, 'b, 'c),
) => callback<'input, 'output> = "useCallback"

external useCallback4: (
  @uncurry ('input => 'output),
  ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd),
) => callback<'input, 'output> = "useCallback"

external useCallback5: (
  @uncurry ('input => 'output),
  ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e),
) => callback<'input, 'output> = "useCallback"

external useCallback6: (
  @uncurry ('input => 'output),
  ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f),
) => callback<'input, 'output> = "useCallback"

external useCallback7: (
  @uncurry ('input => 'output),
  ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f, 'g),
) => callback<'input, 'output> = "useCallback"

external useContext: Context.t<'any> => 'any = "useContext"

@module("react") external useRef: 'value => ref<'value> = "useRef"

external useImperativeHandle0: (
  @uncurry (unit => 'value),
  @as(json`[]`) _,
) => unit = "useImperativeHandle"

external useImperativeHandle1: (
  @uncurry (unit => 'value),
) => unit = "useImperativeHandle"

external useImperativeHandle2: (
  @uncurry (unit => 'value),
  ('a, 'b),
) => unit = "useImperativeHandle"

external useImperativeHandle3: (
  @uncurry (unit => 'value),
  ('a, 'b, 'c),
) => unit = "useImperativeHandle"

external useImperativeHandle4: (
  @uncurry (unit => 'value),
  ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd),
) => unit = "useImperativeHandle"

external useImperativeHandle5: (
  @uncurry (unit => 'value),
  ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e),
) => unit = "useImperativeHandle"

external useImperativeHandle6: (
  @uncurry (unit => 'value),
  ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f),
) => unit = "useImperativeHandle"

external useImperativeHandle7: (
  @uncurry (unit => 'value),
  ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f, 'g),
) => unit = "useImperativeHandle"

module Uncurried = {
  external useState: (@uncurry (unit => 'state)) => ('state, (. 'state => 'state) => unit) =

  external useReducer: (
    @uncurry ('state, 'action) => 'state,
  ) => ('state, (. 'action) => unit) = "useReducer"

  external useReducerWithMapState: (
    @uncurry ('state, 'action) => 'state,
    @uncurry ('initialState => 'state),
  ) => ('state, (. 'action) => unit) = "useReducer"

  type callback<'input, 'output> = (. 'input) => 'output

  external useCallback: (@uncurry ('input => 'output)) => callback<'input, 'output> =

  external useCallback0: (
    @uncurry ('input => 'output),
    @as(json`[]`) _,
  ) => callback<'input, 'output> = "useCallback"

  external useCallback1: (@uncurry ('input => 'output), array<'a>) => callback<'input, 'output> =

  external useCallback2: (@uncurry ('input => 'output), ('a, 'b)) => callback<'input, 'output> =

  external useCallback3: (
    @uncurry ('input => 'output),
    ('a, 'b, 'c),
  ) => callback<'input, 'output> = "useCallback"

  external useCallback4: (
    @uncurry ('input => 'output),
    ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd),
  ) => callback<'input, 'output> = "useCallback"

  external useCallback5: (
    @uncurry ('input => 'output),
    ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e),
  ) => callback<'input, 'output> = "useCallback"

  external useCallback6: (
    @uncurry ('input => 'output),
    ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f),
  ) => callback<'input, 'output> = "useCallback"

  external useCallback7: (
    @uncurry ('input => 'output),
    ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f, 'g),
  ) => callback<'input, 'output> = "useCallback"

type transitionConfig = {timeoutMs: int}

external useTransition: (
  ~config: transitionConfig=?,
) => (callback<callback<unit, unit>, unit>, bool) = "useTransition"

external setDisplayName: (component<'props>, string) => unit = "displayName"

@get @return(nullable)
external displayName: component<'props> => option<string> = "displayName"