
Optional Props

// Greeting.res
let make = (~name: option<string>=?) => {
  let greeting = switch name {
    | Some(name) => "Hello " ++ name ++ "!"
    | None => "Hello stranger!"
  <div> {React.string(greeting)} </div>

let name = Some("Andrea")

<Greeting ?name /> // <== just ?name

Special Props key and ref

  • key and ref are special props, cannot define them like ~key or ~ref

Invalid Prop Names

  • Reserved keywords like type should be used like type_
  • aria-* should be like ariaLabel
  • data- attributes can be added using React.cloneElement


children is treated as a React.Element.

Component that must have children

module Comp = {
 let make = (~children: React.element) => { ...... }

Component that doesn't have children

module Comp = {
 let make = () => { ...... }

Component with optional children

module Comp = {
 let make = (~children: option<React.element>=?) => { ...... }

Component Naming

// File.res

// will be named `File` in dev tools
let make = ...

// will be named `File$component` in dev tools
let component = ...

module Nested = {
  // will be named `File$Nested` in dev tools
  let make = ...