Extensible Variant


module Expr = { type t = .. type t += Int(int) type t += Float(float) } type Expr.t += String(string) let toString = e => { switch e { | Expr.Int(i) => Js.log(i) | Expr.Float(f) => Js.log(f) | String(s) => Js.log(s) | _ => Js.log("other") } } toString(Expr.Int(10)) toString(Expr.Float(3.14)) toString(String("Hello"))
exceptios are extensible variant
exception ConnectionError(string) // is equivalent to type exn += ConnectionError(string)


My Notes here

module Expr = struct type t = .. type t += Int of int type t += Float of float end ;; type Expr.t += String of string ;; let to_string = function | Expr.Int x -> Int.to_string x | Expr.Float x -> Float.to_string x | String x -> x | _ -> "?" ;;