First-class Module


Packing a module as a first-class value and unpacking it into a module

module type T = {
  let x: int
module M = {
  let x = 77
let packed = module(M: T)
module Unpacked = unpack(packed)

Passing first-class module to a function and unpacking it using pattern match

let show = (m: module(T)) =>
  switch m {
  | (module(UM: T)) => UM.x->Js.log

Returning a first-class module from a function

let getM = (x: int): module(T) => {
      let x = x

module UM = unpack(getM(10))

With locally abstract type

module type DOUBLE = {
  type t
  let double: t => t

let doubleList = (type a, nums: array<a>, mb: module(DOUBLE with type t = a)) => {
  module D = unpack(mb), D.double)

module DInt: DOUBLE with type t = int = {
  type t = int
  let double = x => x * 2

module DFloat: DOUBLE with type t = float = {
  type t = float
  let double = x => x *. 2.

doubleList([1, 2, 3], module(DInt))->Js.log
doubleList([4.3, 3.2, 32.2], module(DFloat))->Js.log

With module type having abstract type

module type Comparable = {
  type t
  let compare: (t, t) => int

type comparable<'a> = module(Comparable with type t = 'a)

let compare = (type a, x, y, c: comparable<a>) => {
  module C = unpack(c), y)

module IntCmp: Comparable with type t = int = {
  type t = int
  let compare = (x, y) => x - y

module FloatCmp: Comparable with type t = float = {
  type t = float
  let compare = (x, y) => x > y ? 1 : y > x ? -1 : 0

compare(1, 2, module(IntCmp))->Js.log
compare(1., 2., module(FloatCmp))->Js.log

Functor as first-class module

module type Stringable = {
  type t
  let toString: t => string

module type MakePrinterType = (Item: Stringable) =>
  let print: Item.t => string

module MakePrinter = (Item: Stringable) => {
  let print = x => "Printer: " ++ Item.toString(x)

module StringableInt = {
  type t = int
  let toString = Js.Int.toString

module StringableFloat = {
  type t = float
  let toString = Js.Float.toString

let f = module(MakePrinter: MakePrinterType)
module IntPrinter = unpack(f)(StringableInt)

module FloatPrinter = MakePrinter(StringableFloat)


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