Constrain Arguments


/* play.js */
function openWith(browserName) {
  if (browserName === 'chrome') {
    return 'opening with chrome ...';
  if (browserName === 'safari') {
    return 'opening with safari ...';
  if (browserName === 'firefox') {
    return 'opening with firefox ...';
  if (browserName === 'edge') {
    return 'opening with edge ...';

function queueWith(state) {
  if (state === 0) {
    return 'task is in the queue with low priority.';
  if (state === 6) {
    return 'task is in the queue with high priority.';
  if (state === 7) {
    return 'task is in the queue with top proirity.';
  throw new Error('Unexpected state');

export { openWith, queueWith }

Rescript Binding

@module("./play") external openWith: (
        | #chrome
        | #safari
        | #firefox
        | @as("edge") #IE
) => string = "openWith"

@module("./play") external queueWith:(
        |@as(6) #high
) => string = "queueWith"

/* usage */
openWith(#chrome) -> Js.log
openWith(#safari) -> Js.log
openWith(#firefox) -> Js.log
openWith(#IE) -> Js.log
