Decorator & Extension Points


  • To annotate a piece of code to express extra functionality
@inline let nodeEnv = "prod"
let env = nodeEnv

/* JS output */
let env = "prod"
@val external process: 'a = "process"

let mode = "development"

if (process["env"]["mode"] === mode) {
  Js.log("Dev-only code here!")

/* JS output */
if (process.env.mode === "development") {
  console.log("Dev-only code here!");


To unwrap (aka unbox) the JS object wrappers from the output for records with a single field and variants with a single constructor and single payload.

type coordinates = {x: float, y: float}
@unboxed type localCoordinates = Local(coordinates)
@unboxed type worldCoordinates = World(coordinates)

let renderDot = (World(coordinates)) => {
  Js.log3("Pretend to draw at:", coordinates.x, coordinates.y)

let toWorldCoordinates = (Local(coordinates)) => {
    x: coordinates.x +. 10.,
    y: coordinates.x +. 20.,

let playerLocalCoordinates = Local({x: 20.5, y: 30.5})


Extension Point

  • Extension points are attributes that don't annotate an item; they are the item.
  • Extension points start with %. A standalone extension point starts with %%.
let add = %raw("(a,b) => a + b")

let pattern = %re("/^[A-Z]/g")

let f = (x, y) => {
  x + y

// standalone extension aka top level raw
%%raw(`import '../style/main.css'`)

    var message = "hello";
    function greet(m) {