Refs and the DOM

React.ref: type t<'value> = { mutable current: 'value }

When to use Refs:

  • Managing state that should not trigger any re-render.
  • Managing focus, text selection, or media playback.
  • Triggering imperative animations.
  • Integrating with third-party DOM libraries.

Managing state that should not trigger an re-render

  • clicking will not update click_count span althought it updates document title.
@val external document: Dom.element = "document"
@set external setTitle: (Dom.element, string) => unit = "title"

let make = () => {
  let clicks = React.useRef(0)
  let onClick = _ => {
      clicks.current = clicks.current + 1
      setTitle(document, Js.Int.toString(clicks.current))          
    <button className="flex flex-col" type_="button" onClick>
      <span name="click_count"> {clicks.current->} </span>
      <span>{"click me"->React.string}</span>

Adding Ref to DOM Element

@send external select: Dom.element => unit = "select"
@send external focus: Dom.element => unit = "focus"

let make = () => {
  let inputRef = React.useRef(Js.Nullable.null)
  let onClick = _ => {
    switch inputRef.current->Js.Nullable.toOption {
    | Some(e) => select(e)
    | None => ()
  let focus = _ => {
    switch inputRef.current->Js.Nullable.toOption {
    | Some(e) => focus(e)
    | None => ()
  <div className="flex flex-col p-4 gap-2">
    <input type_="text" ref={ReactDOM.Ref.domRef(inputRef)} className="w-full border-400" />
    <button type_="button" className="p-1 bg-200" onClick={focus}> 
    <button type_="button" className="p-1 bg-200" onClick>
        {"Select Text"->React.string}